Earlier this month, the MacArthur Foundation announced the winners of the third annual Digital Media and Learning competition. There are some great projects, especially the Learning Lab Awardees which won up to $200,000 to further their initiatives.
A project that particularly caught our eye is Hole-in-the-Wall, the inspiration for the book “Q&A” which inspired the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Bridging the digital divide by reaching previously underserved youth in the developing world … urban slums and remote-rural populations, ethnic minorities, juvenile home detainees, and children with special needs … Hole-in-the-Wall has installed over 700 internet-enabled public Playground Learning Stations across India, Bhutan, Cambodia and countries in the African continent. Game-activities promote experiential learning that is mapped to prescribed primary grade curricula across various subjects, Hole-in-the-Wall’s Activity Based E-Learning Solution imparts a playful learning environment by encouraging learning through self and group exploration beyond the classroom.
Related articles:
- Teaching: Inspiring British children, Slumdog style (telegraph.co.uk)
- Slumdog reveals learning treasures (guardian.co.uk)
- Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out (debaird.net)
- Reimagining Learning: Vote in a Digital Media Competition (wired.com)
- Fiji Reef- From The West Side To West Pacific. (stuckinfijimud.blogspot.com)
- Guest Post: Four Insights for Youth Marketers from DML 2010 (ypulse.com)