From 2022-2024, The Learning Collective has led 57 in-person renewal visits of charter schools authorized by Chicago Public Schools. Many of those visits have focused on schools’ culture and climate. This is a new direction that CPS’s Office of Innovation and Incubation and The Learning Collective have embarked on together.
Theory of Action: If we conduct site visits focused on Culture & Climate and Social-Emotional Learning initiatives, then we can 1) increase our understanding of school-specific needs, and 2) create resources for schools based on areas of need, which would lead to a decrease of exclusionary practices and improved student well-being.
Criteria for selecting schools to receive a Culture & Climate renewal visit: Any school or campus in which the rate of unique students receiving an Out-of-School Suspension is at or above the 75th percentile of the rates at non-selective district-run schools that have similar grade structures.
Protocols: As a team, we developed the Culture & Climate Rubric. Rubric criteria are based on the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Indicators of Schoolwide SEL Walkthrough Protocol and the CPS Supportive Schools Certification criteria. Evidence is gathered on-site through classroom evaluations, focus groups (staff, students and parents) and document reviews.
Lessons Learned: This is some of what we’ve learned about and through culture-and-climate-focused charter renewal visits over the past three years (presented at 2023 NACSA Leadership Conference):
- Rubric Changes: It’s important to consistently evaluate and update the rubric. Accordingly, we clearly defined “student well-being” and “staff well-being.” We also added examples/look for’s of what we should expect to see in classrooms.
- Data: Schools are not using data (beyond discipline) to inform their Culture & Climate practices.
- MTSS: Some schools have MTSS systems/interventions for student behavior but not for larger SEL needs: self-awareness, self- management, social awareness, healthy relationships, and responsible decision-making.
- Staff Teams: Schools do not have comprehensive team structures regarding SEL and overall student well-being.
- Norming: There’s a continued need for evaluator norming.
- One-Day Visits: One-day visits can produce accurate info, especially if there’s enough time at the end-of-day internal team meetings.
- Randomize: It’s important to randomize student and parent focus groups.
- Social Workers: Social workers are important participants in staff focus groups.