TLC’s 2024 Highlights
From evaluating schools’ social emotional learning programs to facilitating charter management organization board retreats to developing site visit protocols for charter school authorizers, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships across ten states in 2024. Led the renewal visits of 16 charter schools authorized by Chicago Public Schools, including cutting-edge examinations of […]
Lessons Learned from Culture & Climate Renewal Visits in Chicago
From 2022-2024, The Learning Collective has led 57 in-person renewal visits of charter schools authorized by Chicago Public Schools. Many of those visits have focused on schools’ culture and climate. This is a new direction that CPS’s Office of Innovation and Incubation and The Learning Collective have embarked on together. Theory of Action: If we […]
2022 TLC Highlights

From white papers on post-pandemic best practices to reviews of university teacher training programs to evaluations of schools’ social emotional learning programs, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships across eight states in 2022. Teamed with Central Michigan University and Venn Education to create a guide for 57 urban, suburban and rural […]