TLC’s 2024 Highlights
From evaluating schools’ social emotional learning programs to facilitating charter management organization board retreats to developing site visit protocols for charter school authorizers, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships across ten states in 2024. Led the renewal visits of 16 charter schools authorized by Chicago Public Schools, including cutting-edge examinations of […]
Time for Charter Schools’ Strategic Planning
The academic aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic continue affected students across the country. While the pandemic led to many students’ unfinished learning, it also created a unique opportunity to reflect on how schools could best meet the needs of their students. The Learning Collective can help schools and their boards of directors determine the best […]
Strategic School Turnaround
In a time where change is the only thing education can count on, schools are challenged to focus on high quality learning and teaching, some schools have lost their focus. The Learning Collective (TLC) and Venn Education (Venn) have partnered to work with charter schools to assess their condition and help them refocus for turnaround. Our […]
TLC’s 2023 Highlights
From evaluating schools’ social emotional learning programs to creating new academic accountability frameworks to supporting successful renewals of charter schools, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships across nine states in 2023. Led the renewal visits of 23 charter schools authorized by Chicago Public Schools, including cutting-edge examinations of schools’ social-emotional learning […]
2022 TLC Highlights

From white papers on post-pandemic best practices to reviews of university teacher training programs to evaluations of schools’ social emotional learning programs, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships across eight states in 2022. Teamed with Central Michigan University and Venn Education to create a guide for 57 urban, suburban and rural […]
2021 TLC Highlights
From leadership coaching to acting as an expert witness, The Learning Collective continued to expand its services and partnerships in seven states in 2021.
2020 TLC Highlights
Despite, and in some respects because of, the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a very busy year for The Learning Collective. Our diverse clients and projects spanned ten states. We:
Strategic Planning Essentials
In all of The Learning Collective’s strategic planning engagements, we incorporate core elements. In our work with Florida and Oklahoma authorizers – as well as our collaborations with individual schools such as Discovery Charter School, Beginning with Children and Academy of the City – we take these five steps:
Strategic Planning with AoC
The Learning Collective has partnered with Academy of the City on a number of projects over the past four years from charter renewal application assistance to school quality reviews. It is the strategic planning process we developed and facilitated, as well as the final product, of which we are the most proud.